Home News Gmail, Google Docs, Search: Gemini AI is installed in all departments

Gmail, Google Docs, Search: Gemini AI is installed in all departments

by Janes

During Google I/O 2024, the event organized by the company to present its new software, the web giant’s teams had only the word “AI” on their lips. It was also spoken 121 times, as calculated by a Google artificial intelligence developed for the occasion.

The Californian company’s goal is to offer AI that is useful to all its users and available in one click in all its services. Here are the news that should arrive in the coming months, and that should accelerate our research and our daily work.

Gemini invites itself into the most complex research
The arrival of Gemini in the search engine is nothing new and has been announced for a long time. However, Google has taken care to present once again AI Overviews, its artificial intelligence system capable of answering questions by synthesizing various elements collected from the Web and contextualized. It’s launching today in the U.S. and will be coming to more territories in the coming months.

Google will even go a little further, offering search results whose length and language can be modulated at the touch of a button. You will be able to display a concise and easy-to-understand answer, especially to explain a topic to a child, or a longer and more detailed one.

Geminis will also be able to answer more complex questions by adding different elements to display the most relevant outcome. For example, you can ask Google for the best gym nearby, the different memberships, and the route to get there, and the search engine will display all this information in a matter of seconds.

If you want to add a video to your application, it will be possible soon! Gemini will be able to use a live video from your smartphone to add context to your voice prompt and find the most appropriate response.

The latest addition to Gemini research is planning. For example, you can ask the search engine for vegetarian meal ideas for a week, and Google will give you a list of dishes for each day of the week.

Gmail and Google Docs: AI Tools for Productivity
Google’s office tools will also soon receive new Gemini-based features, available at any time in a side panel on the right side of the page.

Gmail will be able to summarize a conversation by analyzing emails related to a specific topic and provide you with additional contextual information. There’s no need to sort through your emails to get a summary of points to remember. The email client will also offer a text editor to generate a quick response based on your habits and writing style.

Finally, Gemini can be used to sort large ranges of data and automatically create documents to synthesize or classify this information. Google presented the example of a PDF of several hundred pages, whose data is then added to a Google Docs spreadsheet that allows you to find your way around the different numbers.

As is often the case with the Mountain View-based company, these new features will initially be available to American users enrolled in the testing program, then rolled out in the coming months in other countries and other languages.

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