Home LGBTQ Homophobia, Thomas’ complaint: “There were 15 of them, they surrounded me, offended me and threw stones…

Homophobia, Thomas’ complaint: “There were 15 of them, they surrounded me, offended me and threw stones…

by Yuri

“I’m gay, but what needs help is you. You must learn not to hate anything other than you.” This is the appeal that Thomas, a 21-year-old from Inverigo, in the province of Como, addresses through Fanpage.it to all his friends, including those who have crossed his path.

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On January 31, during a walk, Thomas recounted being insulted by a group of people, about fifteen. “They started throwing stones at me, aiming at the upper body area.” Luckily Thomas wasn’t impressed, though the episode deeply shook him: “I collapsed in fear, even for the little things I was afraid to go around.”

From Scampia the video against homophobia by Christian Musella and Antonio Caso (VIDEO)

Thomas tried to go to the carabinieri to report what happened, but the military made him realize it’s going to be useless. At first he didn’t want to talk about what happened, but then he changed his mind: ” I was afraid of victimism, because there are people who have more serious problemsthan homophobia. But I think he needs to give voice to this not only for what happened to me, but for all the people who are discriminated against not only for sexual orientation, also for ethnicity.”

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