Home Mobile Allugator opens investment in iPhone 14 with monthly interest of up to 1.8%

Allugator opens investment in iPhone 14 with monthly interest of up to 1.8%

by Janes

Allugator is a company specialized in the rental of iPhones, and those who buy these devices are investors. A new batch of iPhone 14 is available, with minimum application of $ 30,000 and monthly interest from 1.66%.

The lot of iPhone 14 allows applications between $ 30 thousand and $ 300 thousand. Those who invest less than $ 50,000 receive 1.66% monthly interest; above this amount, monthly interest is 1.8%.

There is a collection of Income Tax (IR) following the regressive table, which starts with a rate of 22.5% for investments less than six months old and reaches 15% for amounts invested more than two years ago.

After 12 months, the devices are resold and the money returns to the hands of investors.

Allugator Invest likens the operation to that of a real estate fund — an investment in real estate and bonds that pays profits to the daily quotaholders.

Investment does not have FGC protection
Investing in iPhones for rent may seem strange —after all, it’s quite rare to find those who prefer to rent a phone to buy, as prices hardly pay off. The business has risks, but Allugator says it has measures to mitigate them.

One is the so-called vacancy risk: if you have a house to rent and it is empty, for example. The same can happen with iPhones.

Allugator says it only opens new investment quotas when it already has approved customers on the waiting list. So the devices do not stand still.

Another is the risk of loss, which means that the customer may not return the cell phone at the end of the contract.

Allugator says this happens less than 1% of the time, and part of the subscription is provisioned to reimburse the investor if that happens.

The company also says it has never been without paying any investors in six years of operation. Since then, R$ 56 million have been raised.

The investment is made in the form of Bank Credit Notes, having been based on the rules of the Central Bank.

Even so, it is worth noting that this instrument does not have the protection of the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC), which covers money in current accounts, savings and CDBs, among other securities.

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