Home News Google’s greenhouse gas emissions up 50% in five years because of AI

Google’s greenhouse gas emissions up 50% in five years because of AI

by Janes

Competition with Google local and Environmental liability worrying impact of AI
For the last minutes, Google’s report on its environmental impact published last Tuesday and ending 2024 added that the company’s greenhouse emission has by almost half over the last five years. This increase is the energy required in AI datacenters; AI, the energy demand for the centers to be used in AI technology.

Google translates themselves by standing for carbon neutrality The company aims for this goal to be achieved with help of its suppliers by the year 2030. Nevertheless, as one can readily see from the report, it has leased out 14. Later this number was used to say that new power plants, which should be constructed, must emit no more than 3 million tons of carbon dioxide in the year 2023. Which is 48% higher than in 2019 and slightly higher than that of 2022 projected figure. Most of these factors are associated with the energy consumed by data centers and emissions from supply chain.

One of the significant problems covered in the field of energy is
Thus, given the fact that the requirements to the AI application increase constantly, the question of energy consumption transforms into a challenging one. In other words, the leading technology companies are getting ready to increase investment to their artificial intelligence strategies. However, model preparation for such AI models consumes a massive amount of energy. Therefore, emissions reduction might be an issue due to the rise in energy utilization and due to our assumption that later on, investment in technical capital deepens – as the firm acknowledges in its yearly report.

While charging a smartphone Golovin and his colleagues determined that AI consumes as much energy to generate a single image in 2023 as that used by a human. Also, Microsoft that aimed at attaining a carbon negative by this decade noted that its greenhouse emission have increased by 29% in the past year due to the expansion of data center.

Another significant problem is water intake
The expansion of AI-related work has led to another major problem: Water may refer to such things as water usage or consumptive use of water. Yes, to achieve lower temperatures necessary for cooling google’s data centers have used a lot more water as before. Such centres in 2023 utilised water by 17 % more than the year 2022, or 6. 1 billion litres. That sum would be sufficient to water approximately 41 golf courses in the USA.

Last of all, Google continues to believe that it will be able to achieve the intended environmental objectives. However, the company also agrees to the fact that “calculation of future environmental impact of AI integration is not straightforward and is in a state of change.”

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