During a press conference organized to celebrate her Oscar nomination, Laura Pausini, interviewed by Corriere della Sera,spoke about the words released by the Vatican regarding blessings for homosexual couples.
I don’t think that’s the Pope’s thought. Homosexual people have the right to be a family, they are children of God like all human beings who want to love each other. No one should be ousted or made unhappy about it. We need to create a civil unions law to cover everyone legally.
Oscar, Laura Pausini nominated with “Io Si”: “I am so honored to represent Italy”
Laura then took the theme of ‘diversity’ head-on, never like this central year at the 2021 Oscars: “It’s a word I don’t like and love at the same time. I live surrounded by the diversity that makes me grow up, teach my daughter, reflect on things. If there was no diversity life would be a mortal boredom, but emphasizing the word in a disparaging way annoys me.
Laura Pausini celebrates the Maneskin victory: “My dad brings luck. Now he wants your prize”
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